The Chairman of NGO ACORDO Dr Yasin Ahmed Osman & the General Advisor at NGO ACORDO

The Chairman of NGO ACORDO Dr Yasin Ahmed Osman & the General Advisor at NGO ACORDO Prof. Dr. Mohamed Omar Sayid met with the Secretary of Religious Affairs of Turkish Embassy in Somalia Olgaz Yilmaz and discussed to the enhancements of the education issues and Supporting the needy people, and the Ambassador Ogaz Yilmaz encouraged the efforts activities of ACORDO in Somalia, especially Education, Health issues, Agriculture and Livestock & Fisheries.

Gudoomiyaha hey’adda ACORDO Dr. Yasin Ahmed Osman & Lataliyaha Guud ee Hey’adda ACORDO Prof. Dr. Mohamed Omar Sayid oo la kulmeen u qeybsanaha Arrimaha Diinta ee Safaaradda Dalka Turkiga ee Soomaaliya Mudane Olgaz Yilmaz waxay ka wada hadleen xoojinta Arrimaha Waxbarashada, Caafimaadka, Beeraha, Xoolaha, Kalluumeysiga & caawinta Dadka danyarta ah.

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