The Chairman of NGO ACORDO meeting with the International Humanitarian Agency of King Salman Relief

The Chairman of NGO ACORDO & the Consultant of NGO ACORDO Prof. Dr. Mohamed Omar Sayid and the representative of NGO ACORDO in Benadir region Mr Ibrahim Said Sheikh took with a productive meeting with the International Humanitarian Agency of King Salman Relief in the Office in Mogadishu Somalia, and talked with the Development and Support for the people of Somalia and issues of Education, Health, Agriculture and Livestock as well as the fishery.

Gudoomiyaha Hey’adda Hey’adda ACORDO Dr. Yasin Ahmed Osman Lataliyaha Hey’adda ACORDO Prof. Dr. Mohamed Omar Sayid & Wakiilka Hey’adda ACORDO ee Gobolka Banaadir Mr. Ibrahim Said Sheikh oo kulan muhiim ah laqaatay Hey’adda Samafalka Caalamiga ah ee king Salman Relief Xafiiskooda Caasimadda Mogadisho ee Soomaaliya waxayna kawada hadlaan horumarinta & caawinta umadda soomaaliyeed sida in la caawiyo dadka danyarta ah oo nugul gaar ahaan barakacyaasha kasoo barakacay Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose iyo sidi shaqo abuur loogu sameyn lahaa wuxuu kulanka kusoo dhamaaday guul.

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