The Chairman of ACORDO Dr Yasin Ahmed Osman meet President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and talked

The Chairman of NGO ACORDO Dr Yasin Ahmed Osman meet President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and talked with how it could be implemented the Humanitarian assistance and Support the people hit by the drought, specially the regions in the country, and the President thanked ACORDO for its unrelated efforts on humanitarian assistance for the needy community.

Gudoomiyaha Hey’adda ACORDO Dr. Yasin Ahmed Osman ayaa la kulmay Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud wuxuuna kala hadlay dar-dar Gelinta sidii loo caawin lahaa umadda soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan Gobolada go’ doonka ku jira sida Shabeelaha Hoose & Bakool sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa u mahad celinaya Hey’adda ACORDO sida ay isugu xilqaantay caawinta iyo u shaqeynta bulshada soomaaliyeed.

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